[Kmymoney-devel] Gwenhywfar>=4.6.0 linking problems

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed Jul 24 10:44:59 UTC 2013


On Wednesday 24 July 2013 12:34:39 Łukasz Maszczyński wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> I hope you'll be able to help me as you seem to be the most often
> committer to cmake/modules/FindGwenhywfar.cmake :)
> The Debian version I use (jessie = testing) upgraded Gwenhywfar
> libraries from 4.3 to 4.6, which causes linking errors when building
> KMM, specifically the kbanking plugin:
> CMakeFiles/kmm_kbanking.dir/mymoneybanking.cpp.o: In function
> `KBankingPlugin::KBankingPlugin(QObject*, QList<QVariant> const&)':
> /tmp/kmymoney/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.cpp:155:
> undefined reference to `CppGui::getCInterface()'
> /tmp/kmymoney/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.cpp:165:
> undefined reference to `CppGui::getCInterface()'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> It seems to be the same issue as in this bug:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=234327
> but I couldn't find any references to the bug in git log. It's a
> dead-end for me, but you have commented that bug - any chance you
> still remember what the problem was?
> P.S.
> I did some homework too, and I think that part of gwenhywfar library
> was split/moved to a separate lib, namely gwengui-cpp - the missing
> symbols are there. Adding gwengui-cpp to GWENHYWFAR_LIBRARIES cmake
> var "solves" the problem - linking errors no longer occur, but I'm not
> sure this is the right way to go.

This is how I configure gwenhywfar.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-guis=qt4 --with-qt4-libs=/usr/lib64

but I noticed, that I am running only Gwen 4.3.3.  Probably need to upgrade 
here to fix this problem (which is certainly unrelated to the mentioned bug 
but is in the same location). I think the Gwen author changed a few things 
that hit us here. Don't have the time right now but will look into it during 
the next couple of days. In case you find something new, please let me know.



Thomas Baumgart

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A sufficient amount of googling is indistinguishable
from actual knowledge. -- unknown source
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