[Kmymoney-devel] Import from GnuCash

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 09:55:04 UTC 2013

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 13:02:26 +0530
User-Agent: KMail/4.10.2 (Linux/3.8.0-19-generic; KDE/4.10.2; x86_64; ; )

Hi Allan,

On Sun 21 Apr 2013 1:42:57 PM you wrote:
>> Whilst it's for the user to use KMM the way that suits him best, I'm
>> not sure that's such a good idea.  You say you have been using KMM
>>for non-accounting purposes for a while, and presumably are aware of
>>the way KMM treats payees.  It is a fairly fundamental part of a
>> transaction, so by not having a payee, you lose a useful feature of
>> being able to examine the history for a particular payee.  If that
>> data is put into the memo instead, it loses most of its value, at
>> least the way I see it.  Also, if outside of imports, you tried
>> entering transactions without a payee, you would encounter
>> difficulty, as the payee is now a required field.  

>I beg to differ here. Description should be in memo only. As a
>professional, let me explain the purpose of payee now (I do not know,
>how may softwares provide such an excellent feature - I must heartily
>congratulate the developer who envisaged this).
>Suppose you fill gas for your car regularly. You may not fill at only
>one station. In such case, though you filling of gas may be reflected
>at Petrol Expenses, second dimension thereof  - as to the break-up
>petrol station wise could be had using the payee. Similarly for salary,
>telephone, etc Now, I understand, they are planning Tagging feature
>too. Just imagine - You can have wealth of information - a complete
>analysis (who, what  and where) of all defrays! Whether it is going to
>be merged with Nepomuk or not, it is certainly mind boggling!

I'm not sure what it is you disagree with.  I thought you were
saying your GnuCash file didn't have a Payee, but instead had a
Description, which gets imported as Payee.  Your example use is how I
would use Payee to track the transaction source, so we seem to be in
agreement on that.  If you would prefer to have Description imported as
memo, you wouldn't then have a Payee.

>> If instead, what you really wanted, was to have the imported payee
>> field *copied* to memo, then that can be done during CSV import, by
>> selecting that column for both fields.  You'll get a warning, to
>> confirm your intention, but it should work OK for you.  You wouldn't
>> even need to use Scrooge to produce the CSV file, once the CSV export
>> plugin gets added into KMM.  

>I like this option and I am waiting eagerly to use it.
>Thank you,

Best to reply just to the List now.


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