[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney ledger view tooltips

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Thu Apr 18 11:37:05 UTC 2013

Hi Allen et al,

On Thursday 18 April 2013 12:20:47 aga wrote:

> While investigating the reason why it was not possible to edit multiple
> investment transactions, I noticed that there was quite a number of
> tooltips in the code that appeared to be non-functional.  For instance,
> if one of the transactions involved a closed account, or if the chosen
> transactions were not of the same type.  In those cases, and
> others, editing was disabled, but no tooltip appeared on the
> transactions to explain.
> I was expecting the tooltip to appear this way, in the same way that a
> missing category/account assignment is flagged.  So, I implemented a
> fairly simple way to achieve that.  Then, I noticed that, having
> deliberately selected two transactions that were not of the same type,
> the Edit button was correctly disabled, but, provided one first clicked
> in the body of the transactions view, a tooltip did appear, on the Edit
> button, although with an invalid message indicating 'Duplicate the
> current selected transactions'.
> What I'm suggesting is to combine the two methods, one which gives a
> more obvious hint, and the other, existing one, which might still have
> a valid purpose.
> Any thoughts, anyone?

More and more I get the feeling, that this whole ledger business comes to 
ages. Many things have been put in there and you stepped on another one of 
those features. They are around since the KDE3 days and might not have been 
ported to their full functioning into KDE4. I don't want to blame anyone who 
worked on the KDE4 port as this was a large job by itself.

Before putting any more effort into getting the existing stuff working, I 
suggest to re-work the whole ledger view to be based on the MVC paradigm and 
use the existing Qt4 mechanisms more effectively. I expect a performance boost 
of the ledger view as a side effect, btw.

Just my 0.02



Thomas Baumgart

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Cheaper is more expensive -- thb
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