[Kmymoney-devel] Cannot resize window for netbook - vertically

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 16:53:35 UTC 2012

On 03/08/12 14:56, Alice Brosey wrote:
> 1) I'm not sure how to raise this as a bug. I am unfamiliar with this system.
> 2) If I make a new user it does not help; yes, all the pages run off
> to the bottom, but the ledger is the biggest issue for use - in the
> way I use the program.
> 3) I have no issue resizing the window width. I do not see the quarter
> window you speak of, at all, but resizing from the top and then moving
> the window up (which had not occurred to me) helped a little bit - I
> can now see more of the page, and enough to do the items I wanted to
> do today - but only because I know what the interface looks like -
> it's still not fully fitting properly but being able to resize from
> the top (which I forgot could be done) helped a little bit with the
> appearance. I think it might be fully resolved if the ledger entry
> item fonts changed when I changed the fonts for the program. The entry
> box at the bottom of the page displays at full size when most of the
> display fonts are now smaller. I tried changing that with both
> changing the size in the program, and separately setting the system
> fonts smaller. Thank you for jogging my memory so I can do the tasks I
> needed to today, although I'm unhappy with the overall situation
> still, because I'd like the window to fit on the page (or scroll, or
> something).
> Thank you for the quick response and please let me know how to list
> this as a bug, as it's still an issue.
> Alice

OK, glad you have a workaround for the moment.

To raise a bug, or to request a new feature, go to https://bugs.kde.org .
For any other issues, you know where we are.


> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Allan <agander93 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 03/08/12 14:21, Alice wrote:
>>> I've read a few threads about this, my resolution is 1024x600 and I just
>>> downloaded the newest version of kmymoney that was available on synaptic.
>>> Now, I have been able to use several methods to assure that left-to-right
>>> the
>>> sizing works out. Top to bottom is a different matter. If I'm in ledger
>>> mode, I
>>> cannot see all the options for adding a new entry, which makes this really
>>> pretty useless. I've done everything mentioned in 2 different previous
>>> bugs
>>> which helped with the side to side issue, but now I have a top-bottom
>>> issue. I
>>> have resized my fonts within kmymoney to 7 and my system fonts down
>>> significantly, but there are several pieces of the program that don't seem
>>> to
>>> change size, such as the ledger entry location (the display of entered
>>> items
>>> changes, but not the form to enter new items).
>>> I am using MoonOS on an AspireOne netbook. I used kmymoney extensively on
>>> my
>>> desktop before a HD failure, and wanted to switch to a netbook for
>>> accounting
>>> but if this can't be resolved I'm going to have to go to a different
>>> program of
>>> some sort - and I love kmymoney.
>>   And thirdly, with the cursor fairly close to the edge can you drag the KMM
>> window towards that screen edge.  When the cursor gets to the edge, you
>> should see a new outline appear with KMM in quarter size.  Can you resize it
>> now?
>> Allan

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