[Kmymoney-devel] db dialog

Camilo Zarama zaramacamilo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 23:13:56 UTC 2012


Using cancel button on db dialog you get an error message, as I'm not yet
familiar with git here is the code to fix it...

Line 514 file kmymoney.cpp

      // if we need to supply a password, then show the dialog
      // otherwise it isn't needed
      if ((newurl.queryItem("secure") == "yes") && newurl.pass().isEmpty())
    int resultDialog;
    resultDialog = dialog->exec();
        if (resultDialog == QDialog::Accepted)
      newurl = dialog->selectedURL();
      delete dialog;

For the next fix I'll read a bit more about how to use GIT   ;)


Why on http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-devel.html there is no
reference to http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KMyMoney ?
is the second one a fork?

*Camilo Zarama**
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