[Kmymoney-devel] Bug Maybe? Payee address is saved completely in one column

Eric A. Bonney mailinglists at vanhlebarsoftware.com
Thu Sep 1 02:32:24 UTC 2011

Did anyone have a chance to verify this at all in KMM? Just checking to 
see if this needs to be addressed in KMM and if I need to change my 
current handling of this in my port?


On 08/21/2011 05:18 AM, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi,
> on Sunday 21 August 2011 07:28:18 Eric A. Bonney wrote:
>> I am working with KMM ver 4.5.96 and I noticed something tonight while
>> working on my Android "port". It appears that the entire address is
>> saved in the column addressStreet. It does not appear that the columns
>> addressCity, addressZipcode, addressState are used at all.
>> The payee address tab has a large text box to enter the address in, but
>> this is not parsed out to the various columns. I have also attempted to
>> update those columns myself and then looked at the payee in KMM when I
>> do, the City and State are not brought into the payee screen.
>> I am not sure if this is a bug or if this working as intended. I planned
>> on putting the actual address components into the specific columns
>> listed in the database. Is this the correct approach or are those
>> columns going to disappear and have only one column for the entire address?
> This is more of a question towards the DB backend implementors but I try to
> give some hints nevertheless. The frontend keeps them as seperate attributes
> (found in mymoneypayee.h)
>    // Simple get operations
>    QString name(void) const
>    QString address(void) const
>    QString city(void) const
>    QString state(void) const
>    QString postcode(void) const
> as well does the XML backend
>    <PAYEE email="" matchingenabled="0" reference="" id="P000003"
> name="Stadtgrund">
>     <ADDRESS street="" postcode="" city="" state="" telephone="" />
>    </PAYEE>
> and also the SQL backend stores them in different columns from what I see (I
> am not a DB expert) in MyMoneyStorageSql::writePayee().
> So now I am confused. All what I see does not match what you report. At least
> it's my impression. Maybe someone with more knowledge at this point can shed
> some light on Eric's findings.
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