[Kmymoney-devel] GPG key not found when trying to save a before decrypted file

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Oct 29 05:48:03 UTC 2011

Hi Paul,

on Thursday 27 October 2011 09:13:04 Paul Menzel wrote:

> Dear Thomas,
> Am Donnerstag, den 27.10.2011, 06:58 +0200 schrieb Thomas Baumgart:
> > on Thursday 27 October 2011 00:40:56 Paul Menzel wrote:
> > > using KMyMoney 4.6.0 and having used version 2 before I opened a file
> > > being last modified using version 2 and encrypted. Then I edited
> > > something and hit Ctrl + s to save it. A dialog popped telling me that
> > > the key could not be found and that it is saving it unencrypted
> > > 
> > > This is quite strange since it was able to decrypt it when opening it.
> > > 
> > > The only way to save it again was to choose »Save as« and then in the
> > > GPG key list the right key was displayed and I overwrote the file/saved
> > > it under the same file name.
> > 
> > That can happen depending on the actual version you have used before. The
> > key (actually its ID) will be stored as part of the KMyMoney file so
> > that the next time around it will be reused. Older versions did not
> > store this information in the file which is now required. Using 'Save
> > as' is what solves this problem, as you did.
> > 
> > > Debian Sid/unstable with GNOME 2.32 is running on this system and I
> > > have not yet tried anything else. I will update this message if this
> > > happens again.
> > 
> > Since you solved it, it should not show up again.
> Actually I should have tested this a little better. It turns out I must
> have missed a notification window telling me that the key could still
> not be found. The following messages are printed to the terminal for
> example.
>         X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
>           Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty)
>           Resource id:  0x3a03985
>         X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
>           Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty)
>           Resource id:  0x3a03985
>         X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
>           Major opcode: 18 (X_ChangeProperty)
>           Resource id:  0x3a03985

I see some of those now and then myself, but usually they are not related. X 
is not involved in the GPG stuff, so I would not worry too much here.

> So I found out that the file was not encrypted yesterday, because I was
> not asked for password.
> Trying »Save as« again and choosing a key I am told the key cannot be
> found. The key expired some month ago but I extended the expiration date
> using `gpg --edit-key`. That could be the problem since using another
> (unedited) key no error occurs and encrypted storage works. Is a key
> copy saved somewhere in KMyMoney so that there is still the old key?

No. KMyMoney does not keep copies of keys only references to the GPG keyring 
using key IDs.

> Trying to add a new key the following messages are printed to the
> terminal.
>         kmymoney(24167): couldn't create slave: "Aufruf des
> Ein-/Ausgabemoduls nicht möglich. klauncher meldet: Unbekanntes Protokoll
> „“.
>         "
>         QFile::remove: Empty or null file name

An unknown protocol without a name - very strange. (good that I know some 
German :)  )

Which version of KMyMoney are you using? I know that we had some trouble with 
expired and extended expiration dates in the past, but I cannot remember the 
exact version. (Does someone else here remember that?) Can you make sure to 
use 4.6.0 (which certainly does not have this problem).

p.s. Please make sure to keep a copy of your keyring with the key in question. 
In case we still have a problem I need that information and will contact you 
privately promising to speak German then.



Thomas Baumgart

GPG-FP: E55E D592 F45F 116B 8429   4F99 9C59 DB40 B75D D3BA
"I know, a 'real Linux geek' doesn't walk around the wall: He bangs
his head against it until it tumbles down!" -- wobo on FLUG ml
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