[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney has moved to git

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Thu Nov 10 11:05:04 UTC 2011


on Thursday 10 November 2011 10:37:38 David Houlden wrote:

> On Thursday 10 November 2011 01:49:28 Alvaro Soliverez wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > the move to git has been completed.
> Hi,
> Thanks for information and the tutorial. I have a couple of questions.
> Apologies in advance if I'm jumping the gun and they are being worked on.
> 1. There used to be an SVN revision number displayed in the About KMyMoney
> dialog. This is now gone. Will it be replaced by a git reference? If we
> report bugs after building from git master how should we report the exact
> version we are running? Maybe the commit number from "git log -1"?

Very good point. I'll take care of it as I was the one who put in the SVN 

> 2. Does the translated documentation stay in SVN (at least for now)?

Guess we need to talk to the i18n groups what the preferences are. From my 
limited pov it would certainly make sense to have them in git as well.

Alvaro, can you coordinate that?



Thomas Baumgart

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