[Kmymoney-devel] CMake problem with duplicate subdirectory entry

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sun Nov 6 07:09:41 UTC 2011

Hi Yuri,

while packaging KMyMoney 4.6.1 I noticed the following change yesterday:


This change together with the usage of the create_tarball.rb script will show 
an error when executing cmake to build KMyMoney. This is, because 
create_tarball.rb [1] adds the same line automatically when documentation is 
included in the tarball.

The warning does not hurt, so I left it in the SVN repo and removed that one 
line manually from the resulting tarball. I understand, that it is required to 
build the documentation from a plain checkout of the repository, one of the 
main reasons why I left it in the repository.

This mail is intended to open the discussion on how to proceed with this issue 
in the future (maybe it vanishes while we move to git in the near future 

(line 430 causes the trouble with your addition)



Thomas Baumgart

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