[Kmymoney-devel] Re: Install into /home - Plugins not found

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 13:18:06 CET 2011

On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 08:45:08 +0100
Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> can we please keep this on the developer list? TIA.

I must get to bed two hours earlier.
I must get to bed two hours earlier.
I must get to bed two hours earlier.

Jack spotted it last night, too.  Apologies.

> on Tuesday 01 February 2011 23:42:54 aga wrote:
> > Hi Jack
> > 
> > On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 13:21:08 -0500
> > 
> > Jack <ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I haven't played with doing a local install recently, but I did
> > > spend a lot of time at it, including discussions on the KDE
> > > forums.  I don't know if I can help Allan, since I never had to
> > > worry about plugins, but some of what I discovered might help.
> > >
> > > I assume you are not having a problem with getting the installed
> > > files to go to the right place, but with that copy finding the
> > > plugins at runtime.  Rereading your message, I see this is not
> > > quite the case, but are the plugins that are getting installed to
> > > the "wrong" place being compiled alone or as part of building KMM?
> > 
> >  The basic problem is not knowing what is the "wrong" place, or the
> >  right place.  Until recently, I've had parallel installations
> > in /usr and /home.  I'm restructuring the UI for the CSV plugin and
> > found that the 'old' UI was still being loaded from /usr.
> > Initially, I just renamed that plugin and all seemed well - that
> > is, until I uninstalled the /usr version and found that my /home
> > version was not finding the CSV plugin.  In fact, although I did
> > not notice it initially, now, on loading KMM, I get a message that -
> > "kmymoney(27422)/kdecore (trader) KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers:
> > KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType  "KMyMoneyPlugin"  not found", so
> > it's not just my tinkering at fault, but more basic, ie. all
> > plugins are missing, or rather not discovered.
> Did you try to take a look at the strace output what the
> program/library is doing while it's searching?
> I usually go for a
>    strace -e trace=file -o trace.txt kmymoney
Good to get some science involved.

I've spent 90 minutes installing and uninstalling to/from /usr and
looking for likely files, without finding anything significant.  And
now, for no apparent reason, and with no change made at all, it works.

The /usr installation is definitely uninstalled, and the /home version
now finds the plugins and picks up the correct UI too.

Er, I've just remembered.  I did make a change.  Previously I was
installing (trying)  just the csv plugin, and while looking at the
strace, I added the printcheck for comparison purposes. I suspect that
may have triggered something.  I ran the sycoca thingy several times
last night, but perhaps didn't after finding out how to install the
plugins where I wanted them.

Originally, they were installing into /home/aga/share/apps but not
getting picked up.  After a lot of trial and error copying elsewhere, I
noticed that a lot of kde apps had their plugins in 
/home/aga/.kde4,share/apps, and eventually found how to install there,
and then, I think, how to get them recognised.  It was then finding the
plugins, but not kmymoneyplugin.  Now, finally, that has been found too.


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