[Kmymoney-devel] new import matching problem

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Thu Aug 25 20:45:01 UTC 2011


on Thursday 25 August 2011 22:31:08 Jack wrote:

> Hello,
> I just imported an OFX file for my credit card account.  I had manually
> created one of the transactions to split the amount across two
> categories.  After the import, KMM matched the transactions (one day
> apart, same payee and amount) but after accepting the match, the split
> was gone.  Even editing the transaction before accepting it, the split
> was lost.  I had to unmatch, and then just delete the imported
> transaction.
> I don't recall hearing about this before - should I log it as a bug?

Can you try to safe the (OFX) file so that we can duplicate the problem. 
Maybe, you can also supply a demo KMM data file with the bug. That would be 



Thomas Baumgart

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