[Kmymoney-devel] no ofx import in my latest svn compile

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Mar 6 06:59:38 CET 2010


on Friday 05 March 2010 aga wrote:

> On Friday 05 Mar 2010 20:41:31 Jack Ostroff wrote:
> > In the last two or three svn versions (currently 1099595) I've
> > compiled, I don't have the OFX import menu option.  The OFX option does
> > say yes on the configure summary, and it has worked fine in previous
> > svn versions.  Is this possibly a side effect of some KDE upgrades to
> > my system?  (I know that caused me some problems that I fixed by
> > deleting some moc related files and letting it regenerate them.)
> > Everything else seems fine.
> >
> > Jack
> I've seen that a couple of times with previous versions, but it always
>  fixed itself.  I can't remember though whether it was on the next start of
>  KMM or whether it was after another make.

When starting from a console, I see the following:

MyMoney kbanking plugin loaded
KMyMoney reconciliation report plugin loaded
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
KMyMoney printcheck plugin loaded
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
KMyMoney ofximport plugin loaded
KMyMoney iCalendar plugin loaded

Do you see similar things, mainly the ofximport plugin being loaded?



Thomas Baumgart

GPG-FP: E55E D592 F45F 116B 8429   4F99 9C59 DB40 B75D D3BA
To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist,
the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is
twice as big as it needs to be.
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