[Kmymoney-devel] possible inconsistent terminology

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Jun 15 07:54:19 CEST 2010

Hi all,

on Tuesday 15 June 2010 01:10:10 Jack wrote:

> Hello again,
> Throughout the manual, it talks about the ledger.  However, in the
> "configure kmymoney" dialog, it has a section for "register."  I hadn't
> even noticed until just now, but I wonder if this might cause any
> confusion.  I can easily change all the references in the manual, but
> there are some in the configure dialog itself.  Is it worth changing
> these - or is there some reason that wouldn't be appropriate?

You're right, this might be confusing. I think, changing the tab name from 
'Register' to 'Ledger' in the configure dialog would be enough.

> Thanks for any thoughts.

Thanks for all the hard work you put into this.



Thomas Baumgart

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