[Kmymoney-devel] strange glitch in manual (different links that should be the same)

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jul 4 22:48:30 CEST 2010

Working from a fairly recent createtarball version, in the manual, on  
the page for Matching Transactions, the next page is Understanding the  
Cleared State.  However, the "next" link near the top of the page goes  
to "help:/kmymoney/details.ledgers.cleared.html" (correct) but near the  
bottom of the page the "next" link is "help:/kmymoney/detai  
ls.ledgers.cleared.html" - note the extra space.  Does anybody else see  
this?  I assume both links are created from the same item in the  
docbook file - so I don't understand how they could be different.   
Hopefully it will fix itself the next time I compile - but I'm really  
perplexed by why it would occur at all.

Thanks for any hints or suggestions.


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