[Kmymoney-devel] Fwd: KMyMoney v3.95 - Small resolutions point of view

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Jan 19 11:27:59 CET 2010

On Tuesday 19 January 2010 11:16:25 Alvaro Soliverez wrote:
> Hello Alexandre,
> Some of these problems are known, some are already fixed, and some
> others are new to us.
> Thanks for the feedback.

Make that +1


> 7) At the bottom of the KMM window, there is a status bar of 26 px height,
> which only shows "ready" once the kmy file is loaded, is there a way to
> reduce that size or hide it ?

Use 'Settings/Show status bar' to switch it on/off. That's standard KDE 

> The following as no relation with the screen resolution issue, but here are
> some things I stumbled upon :
> a) I haven't found a way to sort the finished scheduled transaction on top
> of the non-finished ones.

Can you open a wish list item on bugs.kde.org for it so that we don't loose 

> b) In the ledgers view, the "Show balance chart is great", but lacks the
> "future" view the Kde3 version had.

Not sure why that is.

> Sorry for my poor English, and thanks again for that wonderful application.

No problem, my French is worse ;)



Thomas Baumgart

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