[Kmymoney-devel] On bug reports, translations and usage questions

Alvaro Soliverez asoliverez at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 01:20:31 CET 2010

Hello all,
I guess this mail was due a long time ago.
As you may be aware by now, we are in the process of porting KMyMoney
to KDE4. As part of that, we are also slowly moving out of Sourceforge
and into KDE's own infrastructure (code repository, mailing lists, bug
trackers, translations). As such, these may be confusing times.

Where do I send a bug report? Where can I get help on how to use
KMyMoney? Where do I find the right translation files?
In this mail, I'll try to clarify as much as possible.

For any questions on how to use KMyMoney, send a mail to the user's
list. kmymoney2-user at lists.sourceforge.net

For translations, bug reports, or other development questions, it
depends on whether you are using the KDE3 or the KDE4 version.

For the KDE3 version (0.8.x, 0.9.x, 1.0.x, any CVS version):
- crashes, bugs, feature request, and any other development question
go to kmymoney2-developer at lists.sourceforge.net
- bug reports are tracked in the sourceforge bug tracker.
- translation-related questions go to kmymoney2-i18n at lists.sourceforge.net

For the KDE4 version (3.95 and any SVN version):
- crashes, bugs, etc, and everything else go to kmymoney-devel at kde.org
- Bugs are tracked in the KDE's bug tracker under product kmymoney4
(there is a product called kmymoney2 which is used for the KDE3
version). http://bugs.kde.org
- Translations are managed by the corresponding KDE translation teams
for each specific language. We keep in close contact with them, so
write the developer's list if needed and we'll get you in touch with
the right people.

Things will be simpler as we move definitively into KDE, but the KDE4
version is not ready for general use yet, and we are still fully
supporting the KDE3 version (although not adding new features due to
resource constraints). We are also working very actively with the
distros to have as much support as possible for each version, given
that some are dephasing KDE3. We are aware of the problem and rest
assured we are working hard on that to find alternatives as we work on
finishing the KDE4 version. Our current schedule estimates a stable
KDE4 version on time for KDE SC 4.5 in August, but that might be
delayed if we find too many problems along the way.

We only ask you to be a little more patient and help us as we move
forward through this transition. Any time we spend dealing with
administrative tasks is time that could be spent developing a new
feature or fixing a bug. Both are necessary and that's why we do it,
but you can ease our workload by using the proper channels so we can
focus on the problem and not on making the messages get to the right
people on the first place.

Thank you all for your patience, specially if you have read this far!

Any doubts, question, or clarification about this, please let me know.


KMyMoney Development Team

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