[Kmymoney-devel] work on models

Alvaro Soliverez asoliverez at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 20:36:12 CET 2010

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Cristian Oneţ <onet.cristian at gmail.com> wrote:
> În data de Luni 15 Februarie 2010 20:34:02 Alvaro Soliverez a scris:
>> A little nitpicking about the commit:
>> - follow the name convention for the file and class names:
>> kmymoneymodels.cpp, KMyMoneyModels, etc.
>> - use the same copyright header format as existing classes. the one
>> you are using is similar, but different.
> I also wanted to talk about this. If we are going to write code in KMyMoney
> why should we prefix everything with MyMoney? OK, I've got the difference
> between KMyMoney and MyMoney but why do we need the MyMoney overhead to reach
> a specific class? After all when using our headers we will not hit a conflict
> since we will have them installed under kmymoney. If we really want to prevent
> name conflicts with other applications we should use namespaces.
> As about the copyright header I saw that the old header had some problems (I
> saw some warnings from SVN after adding some files with the old header) so I
> took the current copyright from
> http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Licensing_Policy#GPL_Header
> OK, these were my thoughts on this but if the team decides that we should
> stick to the MyMoney naming and the old headers I'll be conforming to that
> decision.

I do not have a preference in either case to go one way or the other.
What I would not like to see, is that some areas of the code have one
format and the rest has another.
In matters of format, I prefer to keep diversity out. :)

I'll check the header issues to see what's wrong with our current one.

@Thomas, I think it's up to you to decide about the naming.


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