[Kmymoney-devel] KDE or Sourceforge (or both) Tracking System ?

Alvaro Soliverez asoliverez at kde.org
Thu Aug 19 12:11:55 CEST 2010

Since you seem to have ignored or missed all my previous "As we move
away from Sourceforge and into KDE infrastucture *blink* *blink*"
mails, let me answer one by one.

2010/8/19 Χρήστος Σιουλής <CSioulis at dsa.gr>:
> Sorry, I am a little confused about the current situation of the
> project's development procedures (after the migration to KDE Development
> Platform). I have the following questions:
> -Is it valid to use Sourceforge tracking system (for Bug Reports and
> Feature Requests)?

For versions 3.95 and later, NO.

> -Is there a decision to abandon totally the Sourceforge platform?

In the future, yes. Some stuff still has to be sorted out, like
download location and web server, and it's not important at the
> -Recently I was invoked to create an account on KDE mail-lists for
> KMyMoney. Should we send messages ONLY to KMyMoney-devel/user at kde.org
> from a point of time in the future (and abandon @lists.sourceforge.net)?

If you are using the kde4 version, you should only use the kde.org lists.

> -Is there a different approach confronting the releases ? (KMymoney2 ->
> SourceForge,  KMymoney4 -> KDE ?) May I continue to use Sourceforge for
> KMyMoney4 issues ???

There are different people and the approach is different. The KDE3
version is on sunset, on feature-freeze for over a year, and soon to
be frozen.

Some of the people on the KMM4 team don't even have a Sourceforge account.

If it has to do with KMM4, you have to use the kde infrastructure, not
sourceforge. period.

> -Is it fact that KDE tracking system is so unconvinced in front of the
> relative of sourceforge one? (I haven't manage to have a simple list of
> ALL KMyMoney bug reports in
> http://bugs.kde.org/query.cgi?format=specific -it needs words/creteria
> to reduce the results! -and it isn't shows a column with the date of the
> post!)

You can save the search if you wish and have them as default. That's
what we all do. You can add columns too.
Sorry if you don't like Bugzilla. It's not the best tracker in the
world. Neither is the one on SF.

> -So, If I don't mistake, there are TWO different Bug/Feature Req.
> tracking systems for KMyMoney with DIFFERENT content and different
> Numbers?
At the moment, yes. There will be only one very soon. But, one only
has KDE3 bugs, and the other only has KDE4 bugs.

And, as shocking as it may sound to you, we have used Bugzilla for the
KDE3 version for a long time. We also track bugs in Launchpad, and in
Debian tracker, and in a couple other distro tracker.

But yes, we are changing our primary tracker. In doubt, see above (eg.
anything KMM4-related goes to the KDE infrastructure)

> Can somebody clarify the all situation and inform us -the "participating
> users" :-) about the correct methods to participate on the project?

See above. I'd appreciate if you read the archives, as I have informed
the situation ever since this has started, and I tend to see your
quotes in "participating users" as an irony.
Participating implies reading the messages and asking questions when
something is not clear. The situation has been setup and informed
again and again over the course of a year, yet this is the first I get
from you.

I hope this email clarifies it.

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