[Kmymoney-devel] more OFX import issues

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 20 01:50:05 CEST 2010

On 2010.03.11 15:41, Jack wrote:
> OFX importing seems destined to give me an ulcer.....
> I'm trying to import an OFX file that contains transactions for  
> multiple accounts.  In general, KMM does seem to do the right thing  
> with this.  When KMM hits a new account in the file, it shows the  
> Account selection dialog.  Unfortunately, if I hit the "Skip" button,  
> I get an error: "You must select and account, create a new one, or  
> press the Abort button."  Why shouldn't it let me just skip importing  
> this one account?  Is this a bug or a feature request?
> Next, if I do hit the "Abort" button, I get the Statement stats   
> dialog (showing 0 transactions processed), followed by a "Failed to  
> import all statements. -" dialog with "Importing process terminated  
> unexpectedly." and finally an "Importing error" dialog with "Unable  
> to import '...path-to-file' using the OFX importer plugin.  The  
> plugin returned the following error:"  Explicitly aborting an import  
> shouldn't be considered an error.  This is open as a feature request  
> (tracker ID 2884311) against 1.x - should I explicitly open it  
> against 3.x?
> Finally, I'm still getting really bad results importing OFX files  
> from Merrill Lynch.  However, I'm not really sure if the problems are  
> with the file itself or with how KMM is handling the transactions.   
> The main problem seems to be that the bank does not distinguish an  
> investment account from a brokerage account - so whichever account I  
> import into - some of the transactions are handled incorrectly or  
> even ignored.  I'd really love some ideas on how to begin  
> troubleshooting this.

I suppose this isn't high priority in the work to get KMM4 out the  
door, but it's still taking up too much of my time.

I just found a site http://www.ofxhome.com which claims the ML OFX is  
ok, but I'm not sure exactly how far that goes.  I still suspect some  
combination of poor/creative OFX creation on their part, and possibly  
some problem with the KMM import.

For example, here is one transaction.  (I've left the headers and all  
surrounding tags, but removed everything else.  Hopefully this leaves  
enough context.  I've also changed the amount, fitid, and payee name.)

               <NAME>payee name
               <MEMO>Bill Payment

First - should I be importing the OFX into the investment account or  
the brokerage account?  If I use the brokerage account, none of the  
investment transactions actually do anything to investments.  However,  
if I import to the investment account I get other strange things.  The  
above transaction shows up as "Buy shares" with a memo of "Bill  
Payment", 20.00 shares, and 1.0000 Price/share.  "Total" shows $0.00 if  
the transaction is selected, but shows the correct $20.00 if I edit the  
transaction.   If I right click the transaction in the ledger, the menu  
does include "Goto 'payee name'" and clicking it goes to that payee  
showing that transaction as a payment.  However, the payee name is  
nowhere in the ledger or transaction details.  Is this not strange?

I'd love any ideas on how to best troubleshoot these issues.  I'll be  
glad to complain to Merrill Lynch, but only if I have some evidence  
that their OFX files are not properly formed.


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