[Kmymoney-devel] Aqbanking plugin for the KDE4 version

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Oct 31 16:05:08 CET 2009


on Friday 30 October 2009 Martin Preuss wrote:

> Hi,
> On Freitag, 30. Oktober 2009, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > On Friday 30 October 2009 15:14:41 Martin Preuss wrote:
> [...]
> > > I already proposed a long time ago to take over the plugin into KMM's
> > > repository, so there is no problem from my side ;-)
> >
> > Originally, it was part of the KMyMoney repository and we extracted it
> > into Martin's SVN repository for some reason I cannot remember. I left it
> > there (for the KDE3 version) such that packagers have a single place to
> > look at.
> [...]
> I my memory serves me well I think it was a little bit different...
> You had a plugin for AqBanking2 and I started developing one for AqBanking3
> using your plugin as a starting point.

That could well be. I don't remember the details (but could certainly look 
them up in CVS - if I just had the time)

> Initially you didn't want to take over the plugin into KMM's sources
>  because you didn't want to switch to AqBanking3 just then but rather
>  support the at that time well established AqBanking2.
> However, the situation has changed. Now AqBanking2 is quite outdated, and I
> think it would be a good idea for KMM's KDE4 port to switch to AqBanking4
>  now. In that case the plugin hosted by my SVN server should replace the
>  old aqbanking2-based plugin in KMM.

Since we switched repositories also for the KDE4 version, there's no need for 
replacing anything.  We will just add to the KDE repository.

> I would then remove the plugin from my server to make KMM from then on the
> only source for that plugin.

Hmm, not so good of an idea as we need it still for the KDE3 version.

> Christian Stimming wrote some notes towards that end (it is one of the
> README's in AqBanking).

Ahh, the README, I now remember ... thanks for the * and a nice Halloween 



Thomas Baumgart

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