[Kmymoney-devel] Aqbanking plugin for the KDE4 version

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri Oct 30 15:30:50 CET 2009

On Friday 30 October 2009 15:14:41 Martin Preuss wrote:
> Hi,
> I already proposed a long time ago to take over the plugin into KMM's
> repository, so there is no problem from my side ;-)

Originally, it was part of the KMyMoney repository and we extracted it into 
Martin's SVN repository for some reason I cannot remember. I left it there 
(for the KDE3 version) such that packagers have a single place to look at.

Things will change for KDE4 and my plan also was to get it back 'home' into 
the KMyMoney repository.

> However, I won't be able to work on the plugin myself in the next 5-6
> months.

I can help with this because I am a frequent (daily) user of the plugin. AFAIR 
(and Martin please correct me if I am wrong) AqBanking already compiles/works 
with Qt4. Before I start searching: is there any documentation on howto build 
AqBanking/Gwen for Qt4?  I am just lazy/too busy these days, so I simply ask.

Have a nice weekend.



Thomas Baumgart

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