[Kmymoney-devel] playground/office/kmymoney/kmymoney2

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Thu Oct 29 08:15:05 CET 2009

On Thursday 29 October 2009 03:52:50 Fernando Vilas wrote:


> There were a lot of fixes committed recently that fixed iterators (by
> Christian and Laurent, I think). When this flag was finally activated, my
> bit was fairly small. It was the other folks who did the heavy lifting
> there.
> I really like having this flag, and I would like to find some others like
> it. It's always better to have something break at compile time vs run time
> or worse, a subtle bug that gives bad data but doesn't crash.

Another +1 from my end.



Thomas Baumgart

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