[Kmymoney-devel] Some experimentd trying to move loading methods out of the GUI

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Mon Oct 19 20:14:05 CEST 2009


on Monday 19 October 2009 Alvaro Soliverez wrote:

> Michaël,
> can you send the class to the list, so we have an example?
> All, this is somewhat related to the issue we had in the saveFile method.
> Moving those methods to the engine will have multiple benefits, as we can
> see.
> In my case, I'm interested on Akonadi for calendar and the FinanceStack and
> a datasource for Plasma (a quick entry plasmoid, anyone?). And from an
> architecture point of view, it's best to keep the layers separate.
> So, with Michaël's help we could check which methods need to be changed,
>  and then work on them to split GUI and engine tasks.
> What's your thought on this?

Not sure how much of Akonadi we can really use in the FinanceStack. But 
otherwise, count me in on it.



Thomas Baumgart

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