[Kmymoney-devel] focus order in budget view and other issues
Cristian Oneţ
onet.cristian at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 21:10:26 CET 2009
În data de Sîmbătă 14 Noiembrie 2009 00:38:28 Alvaro Soliverez a scris:
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 6:35 AM, Alvaro Soliverez
<asoliverez at gmail.com>wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 3:58 AM, Cristian Oneţ
<onet.cristian at gmail.com>wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I've just noticed that the focus order in the budgets view is totally
> >> chaotic.
> >> When trying to enter individual montly sums hitting tab will take you
> >> trough
> >> the months in a 'random' way.
> >> Alvaro can you please take a look at this?
> >
> > Ok. I'll check this.
> Fixed in SVN.
Thanks :)
> >> Another issue I've just found is the difference between the budget and
> >> the budget report. For example I've allocated 1000 for a category in the
> >> budget
> >> view and in the 'Actual vs. budget' report I only see 999,96 allocated
> >> for that category.
> >
> > I will check this too, since reports are my area. It seems to be a severe
> > case of rounding.
> Check the price for the 1st day of the month, or the next price available
> prior to that.
I don't think that it has anything to do with prices. I could be wrong but
maybe the following thing happens:
I allocate for an expense category 1000 RON. This is computed in the reports
as a monthly 83,33 (this is a displayed value, the actual value should be 83,
(3) or 83,3333333 endlesly). When 12 months of 83,33 is sumed up 999,96
> >> Another problem that's maybe related to the above is when entering
> >> transfers
> >> between accounts with different currencies. For example if I transfer
> >> from account A to acount B (the accounts have different currencies)
> >> after entering
> >> the sum in A I get the currency conversion dialog. Entering let's say
> >> 500 in
> >> this dialog (leave update prices unchecked) I get 499,99 in account B
> >> after
> >> the transaction has been entered. The only way to fix this is to edit
> >> the transaction from account B.
> >
> > Check the price precision. Perhaps you need to increase that.
I haven't had time yet to investigate this furthere.
Cristian Oneţ
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