[Kmymoney-devel] appdate problem

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Thu Aug 13 22:06:07 CEST 2009


on Thursday 13 August 2009 tonyb wrote:

> On Wednesday 12 Aug 2009 22:52:04 Andreas Engel wrote:
> > While i ran into your next problem regarding the appdata some weeks ago i
> > did the following inside kdevelop4 to solve it:
> On the advice of a couple of people on this list, I'm using Qt Creator for
> the first time, and wasn't quite sure what it had or hadn't done for me.
> Actually, it was as simple as having to do a 'make install'. I was getting
> the message 'Malformed URL', which I remember getting the very first time I
> tried to use KMM, several years ago. I think the solution was the same too.
> But enough of this nostalgia :-)
> I'm really impressed with the progress you guys have been making. A couple
> of questions:
> 1. Where there are both Qt and KDE versions of a class (e.g.
> K/QMessageBox), is there a preference to use the KDE version, even if the
> Qt version provides the functionality we want? (My thinking is that when we
> port to Win, the Qt versions are likely to be in a more mature state and
> produce less in the way of problems).
> 2. What's the division of labour? I'm happy to take on conversion of the
> database stuff, since I was responsible for most of it in the first place,
> and I've already done some Qt3->4 database conversion in my private
> projects,

The database stuff should be close to finish, because all the testcases work. 
I spent some time with Fernando on this a while back.

> also the GnuCash importer if I can remember how it's supposed to
> work :-(



Thomas Baumgart

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