KMDI "width set" signal?

Vladimir Prus ghost at
Fri Jul 8 07:54:41 CEST 2005

Vladimir Prus wrote:

> I'm currently looking at a problem in KDevelop that boils down to a KMDI
> question. Certain windows is essentially KListView, and it's desirable to
> make the first column exactly half width.
> That windows is docked via KMdiMainFrm::addToolWindow and its size is set
> by KMDI. So, is there a signal that KMDI emits after resizing tool window?
> Of course, I can add some "initial_size_set" method to the created widget,
> and call it after creation, but I'd much prefer if constructor of the
> widget would be self-contained and deal with this initial resize itself.
> So: is there such a signal?

Okay, assuming there's no such signal, there's another question -- is the
width of left tool view set by KMDI once, at the moment when it's
constructed? Or it can potentially if I hide the tool view, resize the main
window, and show the tool view again. In my experiments with KDevelop, the
size remains the same, but I'd prefer to know for sure.


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