toolview size

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at
Sun Apr 24 10:42:57 CEST 2005

On Sunday 24 April 2005 04:13, Matt Rogers wrote:
> This a bug in the designer of KMDIDockContainer. It uses a widget stack to
> hold the various tool views, rather than a list of widgets or other such
> container. So when you resize the toolview, you're actually resizing the
> widgetstack. I've made a note of it, and will try to get it fixed for KDE
> 3.5.
you are aware that is because you need to be the child of one splitter, and 
therefor you need some common parent for your toolviews? if you will drop the 
widgetstack, this will end up in many manual reparents to the splitter? why 
not just resize the widgetstack on toolview change + remember sizes per 
toolview in it? that's easy and does 
avoid nasty hacks


Christoph Cullmann
KDE Developer, Maintainance Team, cullmann at
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