toolview size

Matt Rogers mattr at
Sun Apr 24 04:13:22 CEST 2005

On Saturday 23 April 2005 08:27 pm, Jens Herden wrote:
> Hi,
> I just thought about this and I'd like you opinion:
> In the moment KMDI does not remember the size of a toolview on a per
> toolview base. So if I have several toolviews I can change the size of the
> current toolview by moving the splitter but when I switch to another tool
> this tool gets the same size.
> I wonder if this should not be more smart and remember the size for every
> tool separately.
> I have the same in KDevelop, every time I debug I change the size of the
> Variables toolview because I want to see more from it. But when I switch to
> File Selector it is too wide.
> Jens

This a bug in the designer of KMDIDockContainer. It uses a widget stack to 
hold the various tool views, rather than a list of widgets or other such 
container. So when you resize the toolview, you're actually resizing the 
widgetstack. I've made a note of it, and will try to get it fixed for KDE 

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