Fwd: kdebase/kate/app

Jens Herden jens at kdewebdev.org
Fri Apr 22 11:30:50 CEST 2005

> > If auto-hide would be done with non-overlapping toolviews you would get a
> > redraw of the central area every time I open and close a toolview, right?
> > So this is from the user perception totally different.
> Right.
> Just for info: At the moment you get *4* redraws of the whole central
> widget if you hide/show a toolview - did you know? ;)
> (it's a kdockwidget bug, to be exact: KDockSplitter::activate is the evil
> part, as it calls resizeEvent(0) up to 4 times).
> And for a long time the central widget even wobbled around by 2 pixel or so
> in overlapping mode, very ugly. Will only be fixed for KDE 3.5.

This is of course very bad and should be addressed and I am happy if there 
will be a solution. What I meant is not the technical point of view but the 
users point of view. A user does not recognize a redraw if nothing really 
changes ( 2 pixel move is of course a change) but if the lines get rewrapped 
in the texteditor it is disturbing. 


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