Fwd: kdebase/kate/app

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at babylon2k.de
Fri Apr 22 11:26:45 CEST 2005

<zitiere wer="Jens Herden">
>> > I think we should not that easily drop introduced features here.
>> This feature might have use cases, but it makes the code really ugly, as
>> this overlapping really goes around each normal qt layouting, and the
>> auto-hiding you want could be done as well with the non-overlap style
> I expect a hard time to tell your users that because the code is ugly one
> of
> the features s/he liked was dropped.
> Please understand that you are not only coding for nice code but for
> people
> who actually use the results. Removing a feature should have better
> reasons
> that ugly code in my opinion.
who talks about removing this because of ugly code? if the sole problem of
kdockwidgets and kmdi1/2 would be ugly code, that would be no real problem,
that would only need some cleaning, the problem is that kdockwidget/kmdi is

 a) full of bugs
 b) full of hacks (yeah, there are A LOT of hacks inside)
 c) full of design flaws, like the session restoring was hacked in
    as afterthought, like the overlapping, too

if mattr gets this stuff fixed and cleaned, I am all for having this, but
I won't bork my katemdi stuff just to have this in, if there is some
non-hackish way to do so, will do, but I won't put in hack for hack to get
this done


Christoph Cullmann
KDE Developer, kde.org Maintainance Team
http://www.babylon2k.de, cullmann at kde.org

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