APK download links in All Download Versions, G'MIC translation

Tyson Tan tysontan at tysontan.com
Thu Sep 23 08:19:49 BST 2021

Hi team,

Here are some questions I relay from the local community:

The "All Download Versions " droplist on Krita.org's download page 
doesn't contain the Android APKs. Shall we put them there? In that way 
we can download them from a desktop PC easier.

Since Intel has basically given up their Android X86 effort, every 
Android tablet released recently are equipped with ARM CPUs. Shall we:

1) Put ARM APKs above Intel APKs?
2) Put a note somewhere to let people know they should try ARM 64 bit 
APKs for the best chance?

And a G'MIC related question:
Since we have now forked G'MIC, how do we contribute to its translation 

Best regards,
Tyson Tan

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