Make the guide pages for Reporting bugs and Suggestions translatable in documentation

Alvin Wong alvin+kimageshop at
Tue Jun 23 14:30:23 BST 2020


This is just my opinion, but I think asking users who can't really 
communicate in basic English to report bugs in English using machine 
translations is not going to be very effective. The quality of machine 
translations can get really bad at times and is likely to cause 
miscommunication leading to confusion.

This is not to say that the "reporting bugs" page should not be 
localized. I think it might make sense to have locale-specific versions 
of these pages which include pointers to regional communities that users 
can request help from others in their native languages. This is however 
only useful when said communities have active volunteering members that 
can help translate and report the bugs in English, and translate any 
comments back. But this may still not be very effective as it will just 
end up being a game of Chinese whispers.

The "developing features" is a bit of a mix. The first half might be 
worth translating, but the latter half of the page is about actually 
developing a new feature. And to develop a feature and have it accepted 
would really require directly communicating with the Krita developers in 
English, so if someone can't understand the page they are less likely to 
achieve this goal.

Best  regards,


Tyson Tan 於 23/6/2020 10:01 寫道:
> Hi guys,
> May I suggest that we make the following manual pages to be translatable?
> Reporting Bugs
> Developing Features
> Sorry for not following the procedures on these pages before. I never 
> knew they were there, since they do not show up in my translation list 
> that I thought by translating everything available I've covered 
> everything I needed to know.
> Although a bug report / feature request should be written in English, 
> a properly translated guide helps non-English users to file a better 
> report, even if they had to use translation software. Translators can 
> also include additional information to help them choose words or to 
> seek aid from a translator.

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