Aw: Re: Re: Krita 4.0 / Colour palettes

"Christoph Schäfer" christoph-schaefer at
Thu May 10 05:40:01 UTC 2018

Hi Boud and all the others,

> > 
> Okay. Aco is already supported, actually...

That was a typo. I meant ACB.

As regards the palettes I discovered a discrepancy between the Krita documentation ( and the import dialogue. According to the former, Krita supports GPL, RIFF, ACT, PSP, ACO, XML, SBZ and KPL. In the dialogue the list of supported formats is: GPL, PAL, ACT, ACO, COLORS, XML, SBZ and CSS. Also, KPL is not listed in 4.0.1.

I guess PAL was a correction for an erroneously listed PSP, but where do files with a COLORS extension originate from? And what happened to RIFF support? I'll probably need this information for the article.


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