Adding and Place KDE/Krita Widgets to Qt Creator's UI Designer?

Emmet O'Neill emmetoneill.pdx at
Wed Apr 4 04:42:22 UTC 2018

I'm trying to replace a basic Qt Slider widget with a KisSliderSpinBox
(kis_slider_spin_box.h) using Qt Creator's (v4.5.2) GUI designer tool, but
not only do the KDE/Krita-specific widgets not show up in the editor, when
I "promote" a base Widget to a KisSliderSpinBox I don't seem to have access
to any relevant KisSliderSpinBox properties. Should I be trying to promote
from the basic Slider or SpinBox instead of Widget?

Is there some way to import KisSliderSpinBox and other KDE/Krita widgets
for use in Qt Creator/Designer? Or is this an issue with my Creator or Qt
version? Should I be just editing the ui XML manually instead of using

I'm probably overlooking something simple here!
- Emmet

*Emmet O'Neill*
@emmetoneill <>
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
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