krita causes video driver crash

Fazekas László mneko at
Wed Jul 6 07:44:04 UTC 2016


I'm trying to use krita3-testing from Dmitry's ppa on a machine with the 
following parameters:

Ubuntu 16.04 64bits,
Intel dual core 2GHz cpu,
Intel 82945 built-in gpu.
Gnome flashback with Compiz, 1920x1080, one display.

On the computer everything works fine, but when I'm using Krita, the 
whole screen becomes full of flashing colorful noise sometimes. I'm not 
using OpenGL, that option is even grayed out in Krita.

This happens usually when I close a dialog window (file dialog, 
preferences etc.), or when I close a document.

Has anyone experience with this bug? Is it a Krita thing or something 
with the xorg driver? Or QT? Or just the weather is too hot here?


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