Qt5 Port Status

Yue Liu yue.liu at mail.com
Sun Mar 22 03:02:32 UTC 2015

I want to add something to the "Stuff that can be removed" part of the
porting plan.

plugins/formulashape/ - I will write a new formula plugin based on libmathview.
flow/ - I want to re-write calligraflow based on Karbon libraries.


2015-03-21 13:56 GMT-07:00 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau at kde.org>:
> Am Samstag, 21. März 2015, 11:01:27 schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:
>> After a lot of frustration, koplugin now builds and links. That means that
>> we can start porting the rest of the libraries.
> Boud, thanks for wading through all that frustration. You know we all are
> thankful for you having picked up that task and brought things through the
> initial mud all on your own for us :)
> Mass-formatting-cleanup delayed?
> So it seems #calligra (?) consensus (what I read until Thursday) is that mass-
> formatting-cleanup is abandoned for now, given all the unwanted sideeffects of
> the currently know tools and known configurations, and noone with time and
> energy to quickly get that blocker solved?
> And mass-formatting-cleanup will be reconsidered at the end of the port,
> hoping people will be more experienced perhaps or tools better?
> So is that official?
>> I'll begin with pigment.
> For coordination who works on what to get it back to build I prepared a board:
> https://todo.kde.org/?controller=board&action=show&project_id=73
> (login with KDE identity)
> Initial idea was to split things by PRODUCT, but some products are slightly
> larger, like the initial LIB_CALLIGRA, so for that I added subtasks, everyone
> feel free to add subtasks as you see fit yourself as well:
> https://todo.kde.org/?controller=task&action=show&task_id=1000#subtasks
>> Here are my notes:
> Copied to https://community.kde.org/Calligra/Schedules/3.0/Porting_Plan
> Cheers
> Friedrich
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