g'mic on windows status update

silvio grosso grossosilvio at yahoo.it
Wed Mar 11 18:55:29 UTC 2015

Hi Boud,
Given all the problems you are encountering, IMHO, you should drop the G'MIC plugin support on Windows right now since, in its current state, it is too "crashy" and Krita 2.9 is supposed to be a stable version.
For sure, it is a pity to drop these filters because most Krita users work on Windows and G'MIC has plenty of interesting options for artists.However,  the "best" G'MIC filters have never worked on Windows so far (Colorize Interactive, Curve interactive, Extract foreground interactive etc).On Windows, they might use the CLI version of G'MIC (e.g. gmic_1.6.1.0_beta.win64)  or go straight to the Gimp 2.8 plugin.
In addition, with the "upcoming" move to  QT5, perahps, it is going to be simpler to build G'MIC in the future...
In addition, Lukas has still plenty of features to implement on G'MIC on Linux as well (his "TO-DO roadmap" is quite interesting [1])  :-)
Thanks a lot indeed for your hard work ! :-)

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