Two backtraces for krita 2.9.2

Richard Theil Richard.Theil at
Mon Apr 6 20:55:36 UTC 2015


as promised two backtraces. Both on current elementary 0.3 beta 2 64 bit AMD64. Package from Krita PPA. Graphic tablet is a historic Wacom USB Graphire.

First crash (3:15) happens without any extra actions when launching Krita, opening a new document, selecting the calligraphy pen (i think it's called that way) and painting a few asian looking characters after no more than a minute of playing around. Happened in both absolute and relative modes. Reproducible. 

Second crash (3:28) happened iirc with another tool (regular paintbrush?), but looks similar symbolwise. I gave up after that and didn't dig deeper.

Should be pretty easy to identify, even without the symbols from libQt.

Enjoy ;)


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