Binding presets to shortcuts

Timothée Giet animtim at
Mon Oct 20 12:50:22 UTC 2014

PS: I forgot to say, I remember we already discussed some time ago on 
IRC  the idea to add empty shortcuts to favorite presets slots, and 
afair people liked this idea.

Le 20/10/2014 14:46, Timothée Giet a écrit :
> Le 20/10/2014 13:07, Sven Langkamp a écrit :
>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Timothée Giet <animtim at 
>> <mailto:animtim at>> wrote:
>>     Le 19/10/2014 01:53, Sven Langkamp a écrit :
>>         Hi,
>>         recently we have gotten the request to be able to bind preset
>>         to shortcuts like here:
>>         For the feature the user should be able to save a preset into
>>         some place and access it later with a shortcut. From the
>>         request above it should also be possible to store temporary
>>         setting so the state of the brush even without an existing
>>         preset.
>>         I'm not wondering how that could be solved efficiently and
>>         see what your comments.
>>     I think such need will be well covered with the
>>     persistent-preset-change from mohit.
>>         I think there should be a number of slots where you can save
>>         a preset to bind it to a certain preset. I wonder if we need
>>         to make it possible to access a huge amount of presets or if
>>         we just need a few. For example you could have five slots and
>>         one preset in each, which would limit the number of
>>         addressable presets to five. Alternatively each slot could
>>         contain a list of preset and with each press of the shortcut
>>         (before a certain timeout) you would get to the next in the
>>         list. That would allow to have more preset to be accessible
>>         via shortcuts but make reaching a single one a bit slower.
>>     I think the most logical way to do it in Krita would be to add
>>     empty shortcuts for each favorite preset slot. That way, one can
>>     switch fastly between each preset kind, and can select different
>>     preset for each kind using the popup-palette to access lists. And
>>     starting with empty shortcuts, people can use the keys the want
>>     depending on keyboard type and layout.
>>     Really with both of these features I believe we'll have more than
>>     enough convenient and advanced ways to deal with presets for now.
>> I don't think that it covers the whole case as both features are 
>> indenpendent. It would still not allow to access a temporary setting 
>> with a shortcut as you would first have to make a proper preset and 
>> then save it to the popup.
> Well I don't see the point or even how it would be sanely possible to 
> map shortcuts to brush settings out of nowhere. In practice user 
> always start from selecting an existing preset/brush and make tweak 
> from it. Now with those tweaks persistent across preset change with 
> mohit's work, it is possible to switch to temporary presets. If one 
> starts a brush from engine's default settings/really not from a 
> preset, they really should save it a preset if they intend to reuse 
> it, that's what presets are made for. Saving settings to an 
> invisible/not exposed preset only vailable with a shortcut is a bad idea.
>> Beside that I think it's hard to make show the connection to the 
>> popup palette. It may change at any time and move slots around, so 
>> it's not exactly predictable here. You would have to remember which 
>> slot is which preset.
> Yes, this has to be well designed to show the user which slot is 
> where, but it is truly a complement to the same need: to access user's 
> common "tools", wether they are original/saved preset or a tweakd 
> version of it.. Like, if I was to set shortcuts to some presets, that 
> would be exactly one for each favorite tag, that is those I always 
> use/switch very often.
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