[calligra/calligra/2.7] krita/ui: Fixed positioning of the image/layer Drag&Dropped to the Krita Canvas

Dmitry Kazakov dimula73 at gmail.com
Wed May 8 18:08:31 UTC 2013

Git commit 8fb27085803e844cbfac7663b2d0e4cb5fc86a80 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 05/05/2013 at 10:47.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'calligra/2.7'.

Fixed positioning of the image/layer Drag&Dropped to the Krita Canvas

Now the Drag&Drop of the image or a layer to the canvas works
in the following way:

1) [no modifiers pressed]

* Dropping Krita Layer (from Layer Box):
  Positions to the original offset in the original image. If it doesn't
  fit into new image, it drops to the center of the new image.

*Dropping an *image* (not URL) from Chromium or other application:
  Drops to the center of the image.

2) [Shift modifier is pressed]
Both types of pastes are recentered near the center of the new image.

3) URL's are always dropped as usual to the top-left corner of the image.

CCMAIL:kimageshop at kde.org

M  +30   -11   krita/ui/kis_view2.cpp


diff --git a/krita/ui/kis_view2.cpp b/krita/ui/kis_view2.cpp
index 7b21a60..d01991f 100644
--- a/krita/ui/kis_view2.cpp
+++ b/krita/ui/kis_view2.cpp
@@ -451,11 +451,27 @@ void KisView2::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event)
 void KisView2::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
     KisImageSP kisimage = image();
+    Q_ASSERT(kisimage);
-    QPointF pos = canvasBase()->coordinatesConverter()->widgetToImage(event->pos());
+    QPoint cursorPos = canvasBase()->coordinatesConverter()->widgetToImage(event->pos()).toPoint();
+    QRect imageBounds = kisimage->bounds();
+    QPoint pasteCenter;
+    bool forceRecenter;
-    if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") || event->mimeData()->hasImage())
+    if (event->keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier &&
+        imageBounds.contains(cursorPos)) {
+        pasteCenter = cursorPos;
+        forceRecenter = true;
+    } else {
+        pasteCenter = imageBounds.center();
+        forceRecenter = false;
+    }
+    if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") ||
+        event->mimeData()->hasImage())
+        bool alwaysRecenter = false;
         KisNodeSP node;
         if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node")) {
@@ -487,22 +503,26 @@ void KisView2::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
                 node = shapeLayer2;
         else if (event->mimeData()->hasImage()) {
             QImage qimage = qvariant_cast<QImage>(event->mimeData()->imageData());
-            if (kisimage) {
-                KisPaintDeviceSP device = new KisPaintDevice(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8());
-                device->convertFromQImage(qimage, 0);
-                node = new KisPaintLayer(kisimage.data(), kisimage->nextLayerName(), OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, device);
-            }
+            KisPaintDeviceSP device = new KisPaintDevice(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8());
+            device->convertFromQImage(qimage, 0);
+            node = new KisPaintLayer(kisimage.data(), kisimage->nextLayerName(), OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, device);
+            alwaysRecenter = true;
         if (node) {
+            QRect bounds = node->projection()->exactBounds();
+            if (alwaysRecenter || forceRecenter ||
+                !imageBounds.contains(bounds)) {
-            node->setX(pos.x() - node->projection()->exactBounds().width());
-            node->setY(pos.y() - node->projection()->exactBounds().height());
+                QPoint pt = pasteCenter - bounds.center();
+                node->setX(pt.x());
+                node->setY(pt.y());
+            }
             KisNodeCommandsAdapter adapter(this);
             if (!m_d->nodeManager->activeLayer()) {
@@ -564,7 +584,6 @@ void KisView2::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
-                        bool result = false;
                         if (shell() != 0) {
                              * NOTE: this is effectively deferred self-destruction

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