Some feedback about Krita from painters working with textures

Valerie valerie_vk at
Tue Jul 30 06:06:56 UTC 2013

> 3) When activating mirroring either using the toolbar or in the multihand tool, it would 

> be really desirable to be able to see the current center of mirroring on the canvas. 

Friendly reminder of a UI proposal I made a while back: on-canvas symmetry
templates (especially II.4: clone templates):

In fact, Krita already has the code for symmetry, radial symmetry and translation
in the form of the Mirror Mode or the Multi-brush tool. So the proposal for clone
templates would be to re-use that code, add an on-canvas editable guide (it 
shouldn't be too hard, should it? It's just editable grids and such), and create a
new type of layer for clone templates.

As far as I know, I haven't seen this feature in any other program, and it would
really accelerate drawing and streamline the workflow for some types of
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