Feedback about Krita (linux) from a painter

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at
Mon Jul 22 01:23:24 UTC 2013

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Dmitry Kazakov <dimula73 at> wrote:

> I guess most users don't know what effect does each sliders, or how they
>>> affect brush result.
>>> An auto preview system does improve experimenting for sure.
>> But it's really difficult to do right because it's practically impossible
>> to show the effect of all sensors on the stroke. Photoshop only shows
>> pressure, as far as I remember, and that gives a very misleading effect.
>> I'm not convinced that it's not better to let the user use the scratchpad
>> to see the effect for themselves.
> Well, the exact phrase was: "why the hell I have to scratch something at
> the right when changing every single slider?" And yes, the girl was seeing
> Krita the first time and she couldn't tell which slider is responsible for
> any particular effect. Of course there are several difficulties with
> implementing it. Yes, it is quite difficult to invent something to show
> stylus rotation or something. But I guess that in 80% of the cases the user
> will use Pressure sensor only. So this small preview will help the user for
> majority of the usecases. And in the rest 20% he will just use the
> scratchpad and paint himself.

>From the experience of the last time we had that feature, I would say that
it's not worth the problems that come with it. It's neither accurate nor
fast. It only works a downsized version of the brush and it doesn't work
for all brushes. Maybe you can make a secret switch to let the scratchpad
show a preview, but I don't see that as a default. I remember when we
discussed that at the sprint back then, we just assume that Krita users
have experience with the brush system.
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