R: Friday is the day

silvio grosso grossosilvio at yahoo.it
Tue Nov 27 11:13:26 UTC 2012

Hi Boud,

Just a curiosity: let's suppose someone wants to "donate" some money for bug-fixing stuff on Krita.

How does it work?

I am supposed to receive an invoice for this "donation" from the Foundation or it is not necessary since I am donating the money for a "charitable" goal?

More precisely, I have been for 2 years the Treasurer of the Gfoss.it Association (http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/).
This Italian Association is No-profit.
None of us: President, secretary, treasurer etc has never earned any money from our work (we were all volunteers). 
Our President, for instance, is a *true* world-wide legend in the open source GIS software (he has created SpatiaLite: http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/) :-)

Whenever we received some donations from our associates we simply released a receipt (with NO true "legal" value)
In short, this document was NOT at all meant as an invoice and you could NOT use it for reducing your taxes.
On the other hand, if someone wanted to donate some money *specifically* for some open source GIS software (e.g. Qgis, PostGIS etc) we "simply" collected the money.
Later on, it was up to the developer, as soon as he received from us this money, to send an invoice (with VAT etc) to our donors.

Best regards,

Silvio Grosso

--- Mar 27/11/12, Boudewijn Rempt <boud at valdyas.org> ha scritto:

Da: Boudewijn Rempt <boud at valdyas.org>
Oggetto: Friday is the day
A: kimageshop at kde.org
Data: Martedì 27 novembre 2012, 11:01

That I'll sign the papers for the Krita Foundation :-)

About the feedback we got:

* training and documentation will be part of the goals
* there's no need for extra details on long-term plans
* the krita foundation cannot be a charity under Dutch law, so gifts cannot be deducted from income tax.

Boudewijn Rempt
http://www.valdyas.org, http://www.krita.org, http://www.boudewijnrempt.nl
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