New sketch installer

Marc Pegon pe.marc at
Fri Nov 16 22:02:06 UTC 2012

Le 16/11/2012 19:40, Marc Pegon a écrit :
> Tried it on one of my machines:
> Asus EeePC 1215B
> Processor AMD E-450 APU with Radeon HD Graphics 1.65GHz
> 4GB Ram
> Running Windows 7 Home Edition 64 bits
> Krita Sketch is installed in Program Files (x86)/KritaSketch.
> I had to restart Windows once after installing, because apparently the
> jpg import plugin had not be registered.
> After that, everything worked fine. I got no crash or bug while testing
> :). Did a bit of painting, tried some filters, selections. Zooming in
> and out is a bit slow, and I noticed some delay when making a selection.
> It's weird (well, maybe not, keep in mind this is running on an
> eeePC...) because the interface is actually quite reactive and the
> transitions are smooth.
> I will also probably try on another machine running an "old" 32 bits
> Windows Vista.
> Marc Pegon

Tried it on  another machine:
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T7100 @ 1.80GHz*2
2GB Ram
Running 32 bits Windows Vista Home Edition

It works a bit better than on my eeePC, but still zoom in and zoom out 
are a bit slow.
I did not have to restart my computer after installing this time, I 
could open jpg files right away.

I don't know if it's a bug or if I don't know how to switch tools, but I 
couldn't go back to painting after using the selection tool: whatever I 
did, I could only make new selections, and eventually Krita Sketch 
crashed. I can reproduce it every time.

Hope that helps :)

Marc Pegon

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