Paintop tutorial

Francisco Fernandes francisco.fernandes.j at
Thu Feb 23 16:11:17 UTC 2012


Sorry for the delay, I'm back in my hometown and internet access was
hard to get.

Hi!, I saw your question in the IRC Chat. If
> is in the install directory then probably the only thing that's
> missing is that it gets added to the UI. This generally happens when
> you recompile without a Make Clean.
My recommendation:
> Go to the root directory of your krita build, do a make clean, and
> then recompile everything  (I don't remember exactly which folder I
> had to make clean and recompile so to be on the safe side I suggest
> you rebuild it whole).  It should work after that.  I've stumbled
> against that error several times when I make new paintops.

I already did that, but it doesn't show . Sven told me to verify if krita is
loading the plugin so I put some messages to show in the console, but
nothing had appeared. I put the code in the
in the constructor (MinimalPaintOpPlugin::MinimalPaintOpPlugin ). Is that
correct? Or there is another way to verify if the plugin is loading?

Francisco Fernandes (AKA: Chicao)
"Quem de boa vontade carrega o difícil, também carrega o menos difícil..."
Lao Tsé - Tao Te Ching
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