Krita portable.
Srikanth Tiyyagura
srikanth.tulasiram at
Fri Apr 27 16:12:22 UTC 2012
On 27 Apr 2012 21:18, "Boudewijn Rempt" <boud at> wrote:
> On Friday 27 April 2012 Apr, Simon Legrand wrote:
> > BTW, I know it doesn't fit the Linux dream nor that it work well with
> > the way that KDE is meant to be a set of packages who can all depend
> > on each other.
> > But I work in VFX and I know my industry would absolutely go crazy for
> > a package like Krita to replace potatoshop on TDs worksations. We
> > desperately need it.
> Well, I want people to use and enjoy Krita, and I want Krita to be free
software :-).
> > The catch is most studios are either on KDE 3.old or some other WM.
> That would make it easier to make standalone packages, actually -- no
conflicts :-).
> > I only know of one giant studio who uses KDE4
> Even that is possible. My company (KO GmbH) actually has a customer who
developers a KDE4 application and they do that on a KDE4 desktop with a
different set of libraries. All it takes is setting all the right env.
variables, hacking around a bit and some perseverance. The packages will be
big, but hey -- that's a sign of quality!
> > (starts with a W and is
> > making a movie about a ring) but sadly I don't work there anymore. So
> > now I have to start dealing with outdated linux machines again.
> If we could get some budget from these studios, and I'm not talking about
huge amounts of money, I'm sure we can create these packages.
> I'm also sure our community is open to funding specific features as
needed, by the way.
> > Long story short, I wonder if we could Flattr someone to do this...
> For windows, I'm working really hard on some funding right now... I'm not
sure about flattr, but that might be lack of familiarity with the concept.
> --
> Boudewijn Rempt
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