Features changelog for Calligra 2.4 Beta

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 17:49:53 UTC 2011

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Silvio Heinrich <plassy at web.de> wrote:

> Am 05.09.2011 11:18, schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:
> >
> > Good point... What of all the cool stuff that makes Krita 2.4 better than
> 2.3 is the coolest thing? I think that, comparing a running 2.3 and 2.4, the
> brush preset editor/preset docker is maybe the most important for the users.
> Any other suggestions?
> >
> In between 2.3 and 2.4 was a lot of stuff done, so I think we should
> make a list and then decide
> Sven:
> - The mypaint brush engine is a pretty huge feature since you can now
> use a lot of mypaint brushes.

MyPaint paintop isn't finished and still too slow so it won't be in 2.4.

> - I don't know but could it be that he fixed the "auto contrast" filter?
> I remember that I first used krita in it's 2.2 days and I liked the auto
> contrast filter a lot but after installing 2.3 the filter didn't work
> anymore (freezes krita) but at some time I saw a few commits from Sven
> doing something with the filter... did he fix it?

I did fix a bug there. There is still a bug in the preview for that filter:

> - I think he also did a lot of GUI stuff that I can't remember anymore

- paintop list is now in the paintop setting
- improvements to preset docker (keeps preset aspect ratio)
- workspaces
- moved mirror options to the toolbar
- SVG files are imported as vector graphics
- multi-threadred brush calculation
- speed improvements in image brushes
- new text tool
- task set docker like Adaptable gimp
- tool shortcuts
- new channel docker
- hex input for colors
- improved popup palette

and of course lots of bugfixes. That's what I remember just now, might be
missing things.

In more detail here:

It's totally crazy if you look at 2.3 screenshots. Looks almost like a
completely different application :)
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