Branch krita-ui_improvements-silvioheinrich

David REVOY davidrevoy at
Thu Jun 9 16:53:47 CEST 2011

> Well... no krita has no flow implementation. Not before my changes and 
> not after them :D.
Krita has flow... I describe it in my last email. It's how  " the 
opacity slider in the preset editor " behave on build up...

> I think the Wash mode was meant to have the same behavior as photoshop 
> flow, but it isn't quit the same.
> I have a photoshop on my win installation and currently figuring out 
> how this works.
flow manage the opacity of the dab, with interaction with previous dab. 
( this kind of opacity Mypaint and Corel Painter had only ; no real 
composite end stroke opacity )

just for ref (not the best one, artist are usually more interrested 
about the result than the technical word ):

> I of course know how it works in theory but there are some 
> implementation details I'm currently
> struggling with.
Best test are with a round brush and increasing the spacing.

> Anyway... if/when the flow implementation ever will work (:P)
> We should of course add another option for the flow.
Krita has flow (:P)

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