Branch krita-ui_improvements-silvioheinrich
Silvio Heinrich
plassy at
Sat Jun 4 02:26:18 CEST 2011
I replaced the blending modes ComboBox with a new one. It's not
completely finished yes
but now you can collapse and expand the categories.
I also created a new options for the preset editor to select a blending
This option is only available for the pixel brush and the color smudge
brush right now
but I will add it to the other PaintOps later.
And the opacity slider and the blending mode ComboBox in the toolbar are now
Shortcuts to the settings in the preset editor.
That means when changing the opaity slider in the toolbar, the slider in
the preset editor will update too
and vice versa.
I also fixed... or better reimplemented the tool ID stuff.
You know... the Intuos pens all have a unique tool ID that can be used
to associate a
preset to a pen.
When you use an other pen, the preset should switch.
This should work now (with the eraser too... the eraser is now seen as
having an own ID).
This needs a bit of testing so I can be sure that I didn't break
anything serious :P
David and Timothee: It would be nice if you guys could have a look if
you have some time :D
You need to merge the branch krita-ui_improvements-silvioheinrich yourself.
I don't know how much you know about git... but you simply need to type
git merge origin/krita-ui_improvements-silvioheinrich
if you want it in a separate branch to not mess up your master branch do:
git checkout master
git checkout -b NameOfYourNewBranch
git merge origin/krita-ui_improvements-silvioheinrich
and then compile :)
For the developers:
It would be nice if you could stay away from the ui/kis_paintop_box.*
files until I merged the branch
to master because I've rewritten 1/2 - 3/4 of the whole code and
resolving a conflict with code
based on the old kis_paintop_box files wouldn't be this much fun :P
And The last thing I would like to ask for:
The tool ID stuff should work but right now I cannot test it properly
because Qt seems
to not sent the unique id of the input devices (QTabletEvent::uniqueid()
is always 0).
I really believe that this was working in previous Qt versions (have 4.6
right now).
I would like to know if this is really broken in mainline Qt. Maybe it's
again just broken in
the Qt version shipped by kubuntu. I mean you have better connections to
the Qt guys...
maybe someone could ask :)
Maybe it's already fixed in 4.7...
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