Report of Meeting: plans 2011 at
Wed Jan 5 21:49:26 CET 2011

Let me provide some feedback.

> 1.
> As regards Dmitry, I am going to sponsor him  for fixing bugs (or adding
> little features).
> I am NOT in a hurry: I have already explained him that ;-)
> As a consequence, Dmitry can accept my sponsorship whenever he wants.
> For instance, at the end of this summer when he is perhaps likely to have
> more time :-)

I think this is great decision. Dmitry is doing great job regarding Krita.
He did a lot of work on the stability of Krita and on the performance.
Stability and performance is the key to our success.

> Regarding the sponsorship for improving the crop tool on Krita it is really
> up to you developers to decide whether or not it is worth working on it.
> As for me, I think it might be maybe useful to improve the way, as in Gimp
> or Darktable, to drag the borders of the image you want to crop (having a
> rectangle as "handle").
> In short, having ALL borders draggable instead of only the little squares.
> But it is really a whim of mine: actually, there is NO real need to work on
> it! E.g. a brand-new UML diagram would be cool as well (even though, I
> suppose it might  be much more "time-consuming" to finish it).
> It is really up to YOU to decide ;-)

> I would also like Dmitry to put in time into implementing

I agree with boud. I think UML is useless due to often changes in the source-
code. Only way out is some auto-generated way but I don't see it so worth the 
sponsored effert. 

Silvio wrote that it might bring new contributors. I think there might
be better ways - personally I think huge potential in universities 
and Google Summer Of Code. 

To demonstrate my feeling about this: If Silvio's wish is about more 
contributors, I I would rather invest Silvio's donation for some gifts for the 
students that are willing to do school projects or thesis with Krita to 
motivate them, then developing UML diagram. 

> 2.
> As for Lukas, I would like to sponsor him another round of bug fixing (NO
> new feature is required).
> Lukas as well doesn't know yet when he might start working on this new
> stretch of
> bug-fixing.
> I am NOT in a hurry either and thus all depends on him ;-)

I would like to work with David Revoy and bugs he occurs if they are not 
dmitry-related. I think working with him was alrady very beneficial for Krita. 
It will be stability and performance oriented. Sometimes UI fixing.

Regarding the time, I would like to start in the mid-january, maybe the 
beginning of the february. In the meantime I will gather the list of important 
bugs regarding the stability and performance both from David and bugzilla.
> 3.
> As regards Pentalis, I would like to having him working on a new mixing
> brush engine.
> In the past, I have read he wished to work on it.
> As for me, I am confident he is the right guy to finish this task ;-)
> Needless to say, also for Pentalis there is really NO rush!

Regarding the fact, that you resources are limited, I think maybe
somehow more wiser solution would be to support Pentalis in the Google Summer 
Of Code program (if there will be one) with this idea and if that fails, let's 
use your resources. 

Also other idea: if the community feels like this is important feature (I 
remember David Revoy said he used it) to be done, I have probably the biggest 
experiences with the brush engines, so I suppose _maybe_ I would be more 
effective regarding the time needed to implement it (port it from GIMP Painter) 
and we can put it in my Action Plan. 

I don't want to take him this sponsored project, I just wanted to share I 
might be more effective, like Dmitry is more effective in the backend stuff like 
canvas, tiles, threading, I'm more confident regarding the brush engines.

Pentalis can be sponsored to work on some different project -- to finish 
Impasto? or to restore Emanuelle's work? Or still can be discussed..But if he 
really wants to work on this, then no...I will be here for you to help you ;) 
My point was only about being efficient with the Silvio's money in this case.

Cheers :)

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